Saturday, June 15, 2024





As in every sphere of life, planning is a vital prerequisite to a successful audit. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), in its guidelines to its members, states that every audit assignment must be properly planned to enable the auditor conduct the audit in a timely and efficient manner. Although the guidelines were made for its members in Public Practice, they are very useful for adaptation by Internal Auditors and Inspectors.
A good plan, according to the guidelines, has the following elements:

·         Understanding the Business: To be able to conduct and effective audit, the auditor needs to gain sufficient understanding of the business and the environment in which it operates. This appears obvious enough, but there are still many auditors that do not understand the basic elements of banking transactions in today’s electronic banking environment. This calls for continuing education by the auditor.

·         Planning analysis: The plan should detail he operation location where audit work is to be done the audit team, the timetable and the budget for the work.

·         Identifies critical audit objectives:During the planning stage specific issues requiring detailed attention in the course of the audit. For the bank Inspector this would include accounts known to be prone to the risk of fraudulent manipulations, or errors, adherence to new management policies etc.

·         Evaluate the Control Environment:Where internal auditors who carry out routine audit are resident in the branch being inspected the inspector would need to determine to what extent, if any, he could rely on the internal auditor’s work for the purpose of his inspection.


Control in this context encompasses the monitoring, direction and supervision of the team carrying out the audit. The quality of an audit depends on the extent to which laid down guidelines were followed in the conduct of the audit. Since this forum consists mainly of Bank Inspectors, we all know that the quality of an inspection depends on how many “scoops” were made that is, how many fraud or irregularities were uncovered. This is where there is a major divergence between the external auditor and the inspector.
Whereas fraud detection is not the major concern of external auditors, it must necessarily form the major objective of inspectors, since the inspectorate division is one control tool instituted by directors in the discharge of the legal duties imposed on them to ensure the accuracy of financial records kept by the entities they run.


Most bank inspections normally focus on the operations department. Although this is understandable in view ofhe fact that operations department is the most susceptible to frauds, other department such as the Credit and Marketing, the Treasury, Admin and other units should not be neglected, as much wastages an outright frauds do take place in these other departments as well.

Inspection will generally cover Balances as at a particular date, as well as Transactions within a specified time period. Balance auditing will entail a confirmation of the following:

1.      That recorded Assets and Liabilities exist (Existence)

2.      Recorded assets are owned by the Bank, and recorded liabilities are attributable to the Bank (ownership).

3.      Completeness (i.e all assets and liabilities at a particular date has been recorded).

4.      Classification - ensuring that expenses, income, assets and liabilities were properly classified and that proper cut off periods were observed.

5.      Mathematical accuracy and proper valuation. Transaction auditing will entail confirmation that:

6.      Recorded transactions actually took place and were duly authorized (Validity and Authorization).

7.      All transactions that took place were recorded (completeness)

8.      Transactions which took place were recorded at the right time (to avoid suppression, falsification etc.)

9.      All transactions were recorded at their appropriate monetary value, accurately recorded and correctly classified in order to perform the above tasks satisfactorily, the auditor must plan, control and record his work. He must gather enough audit evidence to support whatever conclusions he reaches and any assertion he makes.

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