Saturday, June 15, 2024




The functions of Internal Audit and Inspection department, depend on the management of each Financial Institution, and Central Bank guidelines and regulation relating to Banking Operations. Before I go to the specific functions which I consider diagnosis inevitable, it might be expedient to attempt to reproduce the factors which make the Inspection/Audit department very potent to every profit-oriented Organization where accountability is emphasized.

The Charted Institute of Public Finance Accountants of U.K 1979 has defined Internal Audit as “An Independent appraisal function within an organization for the review of activities as a service to all levels of management. It is a control mechanism which measures, evaluates and reports upon the effectiveness of Internal Controls, Financial and otherwise, as a contribution to the efficient use of resources within an organization”

Going by this definition it will be appreciated that the degree of expectation on the Inspection/Audit departments are very enormous, and to be able to remain afloat there is the need to be abreast with the realities of the departments.

People often say that Inspection is a thankless job. Others call them sweat merchants of Banks. It therefore follows that as enforcers of Banks Policies, rules and procedures.

Operatives here deserve management protection. The Central Bank of Nigeria in recognition of the value of rank has recommended that Chief Inspectors of Banks should not be below the rank of AGM. It does not augur well for people of junior rank to audit superiors.


This entirely depends on the integrity of Inspectors. If no regard is placed on the Inspectors their report may be neglected too. But any management will ignore its inspection reports at its own peril. In order that inspection exercises may not become mere routine and ritual, reports must be decisive, without fear or favor.
After these preambles, it is pertinent to highlight the functions of Inspection/Audit department/Inspectors/auditors. As earlier mentioned, Inspection/Audit departments are departments set up by the management of the Bank to ensure that Branches/departments are being run in accordance with the laid down rules/regulations. It monitors compliance of management policies, rules/procedures and provide reasonable assurance that all assets are safeguarded, information timely, reliable and errors and irregularities are reduced/discovered promptly and frauds/losses reduced. It comments on the health of the branch/department-visited truthfully/factually. The above are the broad functions of the Inspection/audit department cum Inspectors/Auditors.

The purpose of the Inspection/Audit function is to achieve the objectives of the management. To do this it becomes paramount that the two parties the Inspector and the branch/department/management should play some positive complementary roles. It is this and the desire to get better result from your visits to branches that I want to talk on your “Human relationship handling” and “Obtaining job satisfaction”. Both phrases are related to each other and to other secondary issues.
Inspectors/Auditors have important relationship with general management, other management services, and with external auditors including those from CBN and other Inspectors but it is our relationship with branches/departments being inspected that are most crucial. They may perceive the Inspector to be a policeman whereas the Inspector may emphasis an advisory role. In actual fact the Inspector does have at least two conflicting roles police and advisory. Whilst a policeman uses coercion which tends to alienate, an advisor uses persuasion.The truth though is that the Inspector is both a policeman and advisor.
The Banks expect you to fill a policing role while the branch/Line operators are inclined to see you in this light ,hence the saying” Inspectors/auditors merely comes in after the battle is over and shoots the survivors”

You as Inspectors need good working relationship with the Line Bankers/Departments in order to do the job effectively and in order to have the job satisfaction you need. The manager who feels threatened by an Inspector’s visit is less likely to co-operate whole heatedly, in the Inspection process. Experienced Inspectors/Auditors will agree with the fact that many of their most useful Inspection/Audit points and recommendations were suggested to them by forthcoming line staff. One of the most priced aspect of Inspection/auditing comes when the Inspector offers constructive advice rather than when he merely highlight defects and some cases using impolite expressions and verbosity. The Inspectors/auditors recommendations to manager are less likely to be accepted or be implemented if his relationship with such a manager is not good. Nothing would have been achieved in this case.

Therefore the solutions to your role conflict, is to develop effective ways of working both roles in harness. Generally this means you should tone down the police role, whenever possible, without actually failing in the Inspectoral/Auditing side of your work. The blowing hot and cold tactics are to me considered a useful tool in this direction.

You should be aware of certain behavioral qualities of Managers/Line Bankers. Not all branch Managers see “Control” as being their principal priority and so they are likely to feel the Inspector/auditor is addressing the wrong issues. Again few people like to be dominated; the inspector armed with the Chief Inspector’s authority has to be very careful not to “throw his weight around” but have always at the back of his mind that every staff should be treated/approached politely and exhibit a higher degree of calmness/patience even when every other person has lost his cool.

You will surely continue to encounter a variety of attitudes in the course of your Inspection/audit work-attitudes to work, resource stewardship, risk, equal rights, innovations etc. These attitudes need to be right; consistent with each other, understood and applied at all levels. Too often they are left to chance. Often the greatest weaknesses of most banks are matters of attitude and the Inspector/auditor should never overlook these. In bringing about change in getting things done, rather than in just writing reports, raising queries, the importance of “selling” must not be under-estimated.

On job satisfaction it is obvious that you as Inspectors/auditors enjoy less job satisfaction than your colleagues in line banking. Perhaps this could be as a result of your “Checking” work. The policing approach will surely bring less job satisfaction than a consultative approach, which also attempts to make constructive recommendations for improving efficiency, effectiveness and economy in all operational areas. The team leader can help improve their staff job satisfaction by allocating their staff, to Inspection assignments which present a high degree of challenge and gives job variety, provide effective supervision and fairly spread the less popular assignments and not narrowing them to specific departments, year to year.


From the functions being performed by the Inspection/audit departments/Inspectors/auditors, the department should be equipped with knowledgeable and versatile personnel so as to sustain the pride of the department. It is a known fact that however difficult a manager is, he bows down his head in salute when an Inspector/auditor unearths serious lapses, frauds/losses eschewing insinuations and attack on his person. It is only a versatile and knowledgeable Inspector/auditor that can do this. You are to perform your duties diligently, truthfully, with fairness and lack of bias and I am sure when you do this your management will surely give you your reward here on earth.



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